Manage and Git Backup Dotfiles with ‘stow’
Having allot of CLI tools and *nix style applications leaves behind dot files, or `hidden files`, usually in your home directory. `~/.ssh` for your ssh client config or `~/.vimrc` for…
The World Will Turn If You're Ready or Not
Having allot of CLI tools and *nix style applications leaves behind dot files, or `hidden files`, usually in your home directory. `~/.ssh` for your ssh client config or `~/.vimrc` for…
Homebrew is an awesome package manager available for both macOS and Linux, although my personal experience is mainly with macOS.
The quickest and easiest (once Passbolt is installed) to backup a Passbolt Database, is to export it to KeePass. Here’s how.’The quickest and easiest (once Passbolt is installed) to backup…
No Secret, No Configmap, No Fuzz. Just a command and args one-liner that gets the job done, day after day, with an invaluable result on the day that you reaaaally…
Sometimes you need to add a handy time-stamp to your bash output. For back-up purposes, archiving-purposes or just for experimenting. Doing so is simple, you just need to add the…