Tag: github actions

  • How to Run Multiple Self-Hosted GitHub Actions Runners on the Same Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine

    How to Run Multiple Self-Hosted GitHub Actions Runners on the Same Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine

    This guide provides a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to set up and run several self-hosted GitHub Actions runners on the same Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine (VM). This setup allows for increased flexibility and customization in your continuous integration and deployment workflows. Note: Ensure you replace all placeholder text (e.g., projectname, githubuser, YOUR_UNIQUE_CHECKSUM, YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN) with your specific details. Prerequisites Ensure…

  • Docker – Automate Snyk Docker Image Scanning With GITHub Actions

    Docker – Automate Snyk Docker Image Scanning With GITHub Actions

    Snyk is a great tool for vulnerability scanning, it’s included in Docker Desktops docker scan feature (10 “free” scans, then requires registration) and has it’s own CLI tools for code and container scanning. It is, also, available as a pipeline action. Here is how to use it with GITHub actions. First, Create a secret on…

  • Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Hosting your own registry is one thing, but deploying a “runner” or similar (including all of the associated infrastructure) may be overkill for your project. Luckily, GITHub (Mirco$oft) has you covered. All you need is: A project with Dockerfile Hosted on GITHub in a repo A Docker registry (private or DockerHUB account is fine) First,…