Tag: zsh

  • Passbolt – Command Line Interface Go Application For MacOS (With TAB Completion)

    Passbolt – Command Line Interface Go Application For MacOS (With TAB Completion)

    With Passbolt installed and running, including Firefox add-on and iOS App, there is something missing.. What about. The terminal? Here’s how you install the terminal application on MacOs. First, make sure you have Go installed. If not, follow the install instructions on: https://go.dev/dl/ Second, update your .zshrc to make use of the correct $GOPATH: and…

  • Kubernetes – Pretty Kubectl Output With Kubecolor

    Kubernetes – Pretty Kubectl Output With Kubecolor

    Not everything in this world has to be black and white. It can be yellow, red or green… Such as with Kubecolor! Kubecolor (https://github.com/hidetatz/kubecolor) is a wonderful little utility that turns the black, grey and white output from kubectl. And makes it pretty with color! Install it on Mac with: And turn this: Into this!:…

  • Kubernetes – Delete All Completed Jobs One-Liner

    Kubernetes – Delete All Completed Jobs One-Liner

    Sometimes you forget, or don’t want to add, successfulJobsHistoryLimit or event perhaps failedJobsHistoryLimit. Whatever the case, the end result looks something like this: You can of course go and kubectl delete all of them, but a much quicker solution is using this one-liner: Running the above one-line will list all the jobs in the default…

  • Kubernetes – Kubectl MySQL Client One-Liner

    Kubernetes – Kubectl MySQL Client One-Liner

    Some of my applications, if not all of them, use MySQL in some fashion. The database pod is not exposed outside it’s kube-network service and is only reachable from within it’s namespace… Troubleshooting or random database querying can be a hassle. Here’s a one-liner to help you: The container will disappear when you exit the…