Tag: brew

  • Fast GZip Compression With PIGZ

    Fast GZip Compression With PIGZ

    Compressing TAR archives with GZip can be.. slow. What if you could use all the threads available on your CPU? You can with PIGZ! Install on MacOS with Brew: Compress tar archives with pigz (high compressionrate) Save them bits 👾

  • Kubernetes – Pretty Kubectl Output With Kubecolor

    Kubernetes – Pretty Kubectl Output With Kubecolor

    Not everything in this world has to be black and white. It can be yellow, red or green… Such as with Kubecolor! Kubecolor (https://github.com/hidetatz/kubecolor) is a wonderful little utility that turns the black, grey and white output from kubectl. And makes it pretty with color! Install it on Mac with: And turn this: Into this!:…