Tag: Deployment

  • MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    Deploying a small MinIO deployment with Nginx as a reverse proxy is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. This tutorial will guide you through the process of deploying MinIO with Nginx as a reverse proxy on a Linux system. Step 1: Install and configure NginxThe first step is to install…

  • Dovecot – Filter Email To Folders

    Dovecot – Filter Email To Folders

    Dovecot Sieve is a powerful email filtering tool that allows you to automatically sort, move, or even delete emails based on predefined rules. Here’s how you can use Dovecot Sieve to filter emails based on specific criteria: Step 1: Create a sieve script Create a new sieve script by opening a text editor and saving…

  • Kubernetes – Redis Deployment

    Kubernetes – Redis Deployment

    Need to quickly get started with Redis in your Kubernetes cluster? Here’s an deployment with service: Next, configure your Redis enabled application to use “redis-service” as it’s Redis endpoint. Cache them objects 👾

  • Kubernetes – Passbolt Kubernetes Deployment

    Kubernetes – Passbolt Kubernetes Deployment

    Passbolt is great. It provides a secure and very useful interface for password/manual secret storage. Both the Firefox addon and iOS App works great, and are easy to setup and use. The available documentation explains installation on most platforms, including Ubuntu and Docker, but no “basic” Kubernetes deployment. With that said, I am aware of…

  • Kubernetes – Prevent Empty Replicasets From Deployments

    Kubernetes – Prevent Empty Replicasets From Deployments

    Kubernetes deployments are funny. For every kubectl rollout restart deployment (or it’s API equivalent), there is a new -empty- statefulset… If you want to take a look, run the following: Quite allot huh? Clean them up with: To prevent a new empty replicaset for every new deployment, add: To your deployment, this will prevent each…