Tag: Docker

  • Kubernetes – Passbolt Kubernetes Deployment

    Kubernetes – Passbolt Kubernetes Deployment

    Passbolt is great. It provides a secure and very useful interface for password/manual secret storage. Both the Firefox addon and iOS App works great, and are easy to setup and use. The available documentation explains installation on most platforms, including Ubuntu and Docker, but no “basic” Kubernetes deployment. With that said, I am aware of…

  • Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Hosting your own registry is one thing, but deploying a “runner” or similar (including all of the associated infrastructure) may be overkill for your project. Luckily, GITHub (Mirco$oft) has you covered. All you need is: A project with Dockerfile Hosted on GITHub in a repo A Docker registry (private or DockerHUB account is fine) First,…

  • Docker – Useful CURL:s For Querying Private Registry

    Docker – Useful CURL:s For Querying Private Registry

    Keep it minimal, who needs a fancy GUI for your Docker Registry when you have, CURL? 😉 Get all container images from registry: Example output: List all tags for container image: Example output: TIP, combine the curl with -s and jq for pretty output: Keep it CURL:in 👾

  • Docker – Host Your Own Private Container Registry

    Docker – Host Your Own Private Container Registry

    Docker Hub (hub.docker.com) provides a great and Free service for pushing, and pulling of course, Docker containers. Many of the major software providers use Docker Hub for their primary container distribution, and you yourself can create an account and push your own images. They do, however, only allow one free private repository. This may not…