Tag: LetsEncrypt

  • Kubernetes – Issue Certificates With Cert-Manager And LetsEncrypt

    Kubernetes – Issue Certificates With Cert-Manager And LetsEncrypt

    Buying certificates, even the extended validation ones, is (in my opinion) part of the old ways. I personally don’t see the value in authorizing more than domain, or IP-address, ownership when issuing certificates via the PKI model. This can be done with Let’s Encrypt, and automated with cert-manager in your Kubernetes cluster. Here’s how I’ve…

  • Docker – TLS/SSL Reverse Proxy For Docker Notary Server

    Docker – TLS/SSL Reverse Proxy For Docker Notary Server

    Docker Notary Server is necessary for applying proper Docker DCT. But the support for applying your own TLS/SSL Certificate is.. shall we say.. ancient. Sure, you can supply your own certificate, docker-compose build, docker-compose up -d aaaaand.. Docker Notary Server is running with the supplied certificate, generated with LetsEncrypt, valid for.. three months.. Here’s how…