Tag: Linux

  • Mount FTP-servers using CurlFTPFS in Linux

    Allot of us server/website administrators use FTP to quickly upload new files and changes to the server. But when you are tinkering with something on the server, and you quickly want to see the effect. It can be quite hectic when you have to login, upload changes and check several times. Especially when the FTP…

  • Tunnel HTTP traffic encrypted, using Polipo and SSH

    SSH can be used to do allot of great things. Login remotely, transfer files with scp and run single commands for a quick fix. All encrypted! Another great and well-known feature of SSH is SSH tunnelling. SSH tunneling can be used to tunnel any kind of traffic, and in this guide I’ll focus on HTTP…

  • Fun with loops, filin’ up the hard-drive

    for i in fil{1..1000}  do    touch $i    echo “==========Hello world, im here, im  ready==========” > $i done Result…

  • How To: Send and receive files with Ncat (formerly NetCat)

    As with any application in Linux, piping the output from an application to a logfile or perhaps another application. Can sometimes clarify what is going on. It would be even better if you could “cat” any output over the Network (Ncat, get it?) to another computer. That is where Ncat comes in. First, some basics…

  • How to: Add time/date stamp in Linux – Linux Tutorial

    Sometimes you need to add a handy time-stamp to your bash output. For back-up purposes, archiving-purposes or just for experimenting. Doing so is simple, you just need to add the $date command to your output. First, some basics (All the variables are case-sensitive): date – Display the current date %y – Add current year %m…