Tag: localhost

  • MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    Deploying a small MinIO deployment with Nginx as a reverse proxy is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. This tutorial will guide you through the process of deploying MinIO with Nginx as a reverse proxy on a Linux system. Step 1: Install and configure NginxThe first step is to install…

  • Kubernetes – Port-Forward To Kubernetes Service

    Kubernetes – Port-Forward To Kubernetes Service

    Kubernetes service only available inside the cluster? Do you need to connect and test something? Port-forward from your client to the cluster! Only using kubectl. The syntax is as follows: So let’s say you want to connect to a MySQL Service only available in the cluster network. And the service is called “mysql-service”: The MySQL…

  • Secure SOCKS Proxy Over SSH

    Secure SOCKS Proxy Over SSH

    Tunneling traffic encrypted through a VPN tunnel is not always necessary. If endpoint anonymity is not an issue, or if its just a matter of carrier/LAN distrust. A Socks Proxy SSH Tunnel will be just fine. Initiate the tunnel like so: Where [ssh.endpoint.tld] is your server of choice. Once the connection is active, point your…