Tag: Tutorial

  • MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    MinIO – Small MinIO Deployment with NGinx Reverse Proxy

    Deploying a small MinIO deployment with Nginx as a reverse proxy is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. This tutorial will guide you through the process of deploying MinIO with Nginx as a reverse proxy on a Linux system. Step 1: Install and configure NginxThe first step is to install…

  • How to: Add time/date stamp in Linux – Linux Tutorial

    Sometimes you need to add a handy time-stamp to your bash output. For back-up purposes, archiving-purposes or just for experimenting. Doing so is simple, you just need to add the $date command to your output. First, some basics (All the variables are case-sensitive): date – Display the current date %y – Add current year %m…

  • How To: Save Disk Space, Bandwidth and Load Time on Website Images Using Smushit.com

    If you are a web developer you know the importance of disk space, bandwidth and load time when it comes to images. And it will become increasingly important latter when web 2.0 becomes standard among with HTML5. You need a way to compress the images, and I don’t mean resizing the image, which can also…

  • How To: Banner Grab With NetCat

    Netcat is without any doubt my favorite security tool, it’s always in my toolbox alwayswith me, it comes in handy a few times. It’s the first tool I pick when I need to perform a banner grab, just connect and send some requests and see what it spits back at you (sometimes just random crap).…

  • WordPress Tutorial – Step by Step on how to blog using WordPress.com

    A great tutorial on how to set up a blog using WordPress.com However, i would recommend that you get your own web host and upload the WordPress “self-hosted” package to it, that way you will have so much more control over your blog. And you also get to upload much more richer content.