Matthew Bellamy at Kanrocksas 2011 Kansas City

Ever since Supermassive Black Hole and Knights of Cydonia, Muse has been the comforting and cool part of my playlist. The almost Opera-ish voice of Matthew Bellamy, with him and Christopher Wolstenholme‘s generic to inspiring guitar-riffs. Muse made their sixth mighty comeback with new symphony-rock, heavy beats and (brace yourself) dubstep-ish flavors. Which is, luckily, not taken to the extreme. In their new album, The 21st Law.

I first came into contact with Muse’s divine tunes a bit late in their career, the younger version of myself was either knee deep in heavy rock music or being seduced by the monthly pop-hit. Unaware of their earlier work, a clinically depressed emo-wannabe noticed the mix of cleanly synced drumbeats, guitarlead and soft voice of the song Supermassive Black Hole, shouting from his bedroom TV. A new band was added to favorites.

After some further listening, I discovered the album Origin of Symmetry. Later, The Resistance and now, The 2nd Law. As with all the great bands I’ve had the luck to discover, the transition and experimentation these lyrical masters go through each album release, is as interesting (and important) as the message itself. And I think Muse has done that better than anyone else.

With the cyberpunk, melancholic and existential (but never dull) feel I associate these musicians with. Their new album The 2nd Law sure lives up to that feel, with a touch here and there, of something New and Cocky. Like in their song, Unsustainable.

A great gift from old friends, making a comeback, showing what they’ve come up with. You press repeat, while I give this album A Ten out of Ten.

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