Category: Science

  • The Grudge Between Silver and Jupiter

    I can see them in the sky, looking at each other with a constant grudge. They are like two queens trying to outnumber each other in glory and wealth. Silver has the glory of sustaining life. Jupiter has the wealth of having so much resources. They are both equally important, Silver sustains the life of…

  • Synthetically cultured jewelry

    A synthetically grown diamond is a peace of diamond dust that has been put under extreme pressures and temperatures, with a peace of ceramic, under a period of days, as supposed to a natural diamond, that has been cultured during a geological process. There are several methods of producing synthetic diamonds, the original method (that…

  • Tobacco owns the World

    Tobacco fucking owns the world, including me. It’s impossible to have a walk on the street, go in to a supermarket and not see some ad for Marlboro or Level cigarettes. Can an addiction have such a big impact on society? Or is it something else? Like the economy today. I mean, think about it,…

  • Nuclear Knowledge

    I had a brainwave about learning some more stuff about Uranium, nuclear radiation and it’s risks, and here’s what i’ve collected. Uranium Ore By Weight: 99.28% Uranium-238 0.71% Uranium-235 0.0058% Uranium-234 Uranium-235 = Nuclear Fuel, Atom Bomb Uranium-238 = Depleted Uranium Low-enriched uranium (reactor grade): 3-4% U-235 Highly enriched uranium (weapons grade): 90% U-235 Radioactive…