Category: Science

  • Loved and Special

    You are so hard to find, yet, your attractiveness keeps us going. We give you to our loved ones as a symbol of trust and faith. You are considered noble by some of us, you resist the most extreme conditions, and still stand up proud and shiny. Wars have been fought over you, people have…

  • Unique and Dangerous

    You are a creature of two worlds, both loved and hated. Loved for your uniqueness, measuring ability and giving light. Hated for your harmful effects, silence and deceiving appearance. People wondered for centuries how and why you act and behave the way you do, we now know, and the result was far from pleasant.

  • Big and Influential

    You are really good at what you are doing, convincing everyone around you to do as you do. You can pop up anywhere, without no one ever knowing how you got there. You can arrive and wait for years for the right moment, while you are convincing your allies to join you. You imitate the…

  • Philosophical, On the verge of Madness

    You don’t know what you want said. You just have all of these facts in your head and don’t know how to explain them, they just come out in a random order you cannot control. Whether it’s the planets in our solar system, or the universal physical constants. You feel the urge to share your…

  • Jupiter and Her Moons

    I got the idea out of nowhere, make a scale model (almost) of Jupiter and her moons! But what should I make it out of? What about… Origami swans!! Yeah! Here’s the end results: Ass you can see, I have included Jupiter in the middle and her four moons Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. I…