Category: Security

  • Tunnel HTTP traffic encrypted, using Polipo and SSH

    SSH can be used to do allot of great things. Login remotely, transfer files with scp and run single commands for a quick fix. All encrypted! Another great and well-known feature of SSH is SSH tunnelling. SSH tunneling can be used to tunnel any kind of traffic, and in this guide I’ll focus on HTTP…

  • How To: Banner Grab With NetCat

    Netcat is without any doubt my favorite security tool, it’s always in my toolbox alwayswith me, it comes in handy a few times. It’s the first tool I pick when I need to perform a banner grab, just connect and send some requests and see what it spits back at you (sometimes just random crap).…

  • Netcat Tutorial: Connect Through Proxy

    If you are performing a pentest, you have to stay as anonymous as you can, even ifyou are performing such a simple task as a banner grab. Anonymity is specially important when performing a bind shell to a remote computer, and you don’t want your computer savvy victim to take notice, or at least, be able to track you.