Tag: Enable

  • Dovecot – Filter Email To Folders

    Dovecot – Filter Email To Folders

    Dovecot Sieve is a powerful email filtering tool that allows you to automatically sort, move, or even delete emails based on predefined rules. Here’s how you can use Dovecot Sieve to filter emails based on specific criteria: Step 1: Create a sieve script Create a new sieve script by opening a text editor and saving…

  • Kubernetes – Enable GZip For Nginx Ingress Controller

    Kubernetes – Enable GZip For Nginx Ingress Controller

    It may feel obvious, like something that just should… be there? I am of course speaking of GZip compression for NGinx Ingress on Kubernetes… Duh. Here’s how to enable it (once deployed): First, edit the configmap Second, Add the following :wq to save This should GZIP compress everything Compress all the things 👾