
What’s peppoj’s take on Linux? Well, i have to say that i don’t use Linux very much these days, but i used to be a full time Linux user. These days i use either Mac 10.6 for work and Windows XP for games and rarely boot up Linux, however i find the Linux community quite interesting and funny, like this quote here:

Microsoft gives you windows, Linux gives you the whole house.

There always seem to be a solution to any problem when working in Linux, just a quick google search and you have nearly one hundred forum posts about the problem and how to solve it, problem solving made easy indeed! I have thought of installing the latest Ubuntu Linux distro here on my Mac, I’ve heard that it can be done but i don’t want to break anything. But i still sometimes miss the look and feel of Ubuntu and the Linux command line.

What do you think?

One thought on “My Thoughts On Linux”
  1. Hey dude, I have this huge problem, I rltencey installed Ubuntu on my computer, but then I accidently used all of the hard disk (my Windows was removed too), and Ubuntu was the only OS on the computer. I’m a lucky guy, that I copied all of my files to a USB Key, so I haven’t lost any data. But my problem is: I can’t install Windows again!I’ve only seen guides how to remove your dual boot Ubuntu, but not even 1 that shows me how to remove everything. Help please, be my hero.

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