iPhone App: Core Monitor (Free) – Clear iPhone memory (RAM)

Core Monitor (Free) AppStore

If you have an older generation iPhone, such as iPhone 3G or 3GS. You may notice, after 2-3 years of usage, that the OS runs sluggish and may even crash. Its well known that improvements and upgrades to the OS may allocate more memory, and having a nice little multitasking tool is nice. But its going to eat up memory fast.

Core Monitor (Free) is a nice little application for iPhone that lets you visualize current memory usage. As well as monitor:

  • Remaining Battery (Roughly)
  • Disk Usage
  • CPU Load
  • Running Processes
  • Device Information (Slightly buggy in my experience)

In this tutorial I will show you how to shutdown multitasking threads, and how much memory it frees up. This may improve overall performance.

1. Download Core Monitor (Free) and Open It. You will be presented with current memory usage, in the form of a pie-chart.
2. Double-Tap the Home-Button to reveal the multitasking-bar. These are apps currently stalled in the background, populating memory-space. Multitasking Apps
3. Tap and hold on any of the icons and release when they start moving. Multitasking Apps Closing
4. Start closing apps by taping the red markers. You can close all of them to free up as much memory possible, or ones you are not currently using. Multitasking Bar Empty
5. Tap the screen, returning to Core Monitor. Here you can see how much memory has been cleared. Core Monitor (Free) Main Screen

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