Author: root

  • Ramblings about science

    I would like to take the time to ramble a little about science, and I would like to start with “The scientific method made easy” 1. Thou shalt base thy conclusion on the evidence. 2. Thou shalt measure objectively not guess subjectivly. 3. Thou shalt back up thy statements with evidence. 4. Thou shalt use…

  • >Love, Sex and Enlightenment

    > Sex is wonderful, Sex is wonderful. They are so hard to find, I don’t know where to look, When i find someone they don’t want to get close to me, All of them are so, so, so, so odd, They get all the love they want, They make it seem so easy, Where do…

  • >Calm before the breakdown

    > This is a short story of my life about the, what is see as, the last moment of my effortless childhood. I remember, all those warm and sunny summer days sitting on a wooden bench all alone, not a single person in sight. The sore feeling in my legs after riding my bike for…

  • >HI-FI industry and a HDTV rant…

    >The Hi-Fi industry is far behind in my opinion, and i base that on the fact that some DVDs out there (if not all of them) still use MPEG/MPEG2! Isn’t that strange? Why use the same codec as VCD? And the worst thing about it is that the HDTV network here in Sweden also uses…

  • Linux: Run Microsoft Paint In Linux! (AKA: mspaint)

    Hi there! This time i am going to show you how to run mspaint in Linux! First of all you need to have Wine installed (which i think you have already), and then you need to grab hold of the files: mspaint and MFC42U.DLL. You can find them on most Windows XP/NT/2000 systems, If you…