Category: Tutorials

  • WordPress – Enable Redis Object Cache

    WordPress – Enable Redis Object Cache

    In the recent 6.1 WordPress update, the “Site Health Status” check has added an “Object Cache” recommendation. So then, should you install memcached? No, use Redis instead 🙂 Here’s how: First, install Redis Object Cache WordPress plugin as you normally would Second, install Redis on your webserver. Third, go to Settings > Redis and enable…

  • Kubernetes – Allow Only Cloudflare CDN Through Nginx Ingress

    Kubernetes – Allow Only Cloudflare CDN Through Nginx Ingress

    If you are like me, and enjoy the world-encompassing CDN from Cloudflare, you “proxy” your domain through Cloudflare towards your Kubernetes Ingress. Why then, should you allow any other traffic to the Ingress? Here’s how to whitelist Cloudflare only in Nginx Ingress. Cloudflares IP-ranges can be found here: Whitelist them on the Nginx Ingress…

  • Kubernetes – LENS GUI

    Kubernetes – LENS GUI

    Still learning Kubernetes and having a difficult time with kubectl? Or do you just want a quick and fancy overview of your cluster(s)? In any case, I can warmly recommend the LENS Kubernetes GUI! Just go to File > Add Cluster and paste in your kubectl config (remember to double check the “server” attribute) and…

  • Docker – TLS/SSL Reverse Proxy For Docker Notary Server

    Docker – TLS/SSL Reverse Proxy For Docker Notary Server

    Docker Notary Server is necessary for applying proper Docker DCT. But the support for applying your own TLS/SSL Certificate is.. shall we say.. ancient. Sure, you can supply your own certificate, docker-compose build, docker-compose up -d aaaaand.. Docker Notary Server is running with the supplied certificate, generated with LetsEncrypt, valid for.. three months.. Here’s how…