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Category: Tutorials

  • Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Docker – Build Image on GITHub And Push To Private Registry

    Hosting your own registry is one thing, but deploying a “runner” or similar (including all of the associated infrastructure) may be overkill for your project. Luckily, GITHub (Mirco$oft) has you covered. All you need is: A project with Dockerfile Hosted on GITHub in a repo A Docker registry (private or DockerHUB account is fine) First,…

  • Secure SOCKS Proxy Over SSH

    Secure SOCKS Proxy Over SSH

    Tunneling traffic encrypted through a VPN tunnel is not always necessary. If endpoint anonymity is not an issue, or if its just a matter of carrier/LAN distrust. A Socks Proxy SSH Tunnel will be just fine. Initiate the tunnel like so: Where [ssh.endpoint.tld] is your server of choice. Once the connection is active, point your…

  • Kubernetes – Pretty Kubectl Output With Kubecolor

    Kubernetes – Pretty Kubectl Output With Kubecolor

    Not everything in this world has to be black and white. It can be yellow, red or green… Such as with Kubecolor! Kubecolor ( is a wonderful little utility that turns the black, grey and white output from kubectl. And makes it pretty with color! Install it on Mac with: And turn this: Into this!:…

  • Kubernetes – Prevent Empty Replicasets From Deployments

    Kubernetes – Prevent Empty Replicasets From Deployments

    Kubernetes deployments are funny. For every kubectl rollout restart deployment (or it’s API equivalent), there is a new -empty- statefulset… If you want to take a look, run the following: Quite allot huh? Clean them up with: To prevent a new empty replicaset for every new deployment, add: To your deployment, this will prevent each…