So you may be thinking, how on earth am I going to install ffmpeg on Mac OS X, do I compile it myself? Install it trough macports? NO, There is a perfectly fine and stable ffmpeg binary out there that someone else has compiled for us, and that someone (or he/she) is “FFmpegX”.
FFmpegX is a graphical front-end for ffmpeg (GUI) that makes it really easy to convert video and audio into different formats, however, I have used ffmpeg from the command line ever since I heard about it, and i prefer using it that way. And I didn’t want to compile it or use macports since I almost screw up my machine once doing so. So I went looking around for a pre-built binary And I found it!
It turns out that there is a perfectly fine pre-built binary in the FFmpegX package itself! Here’s how you get it:
- Download and extract the FFmpegX package from here
- Control-Click the FFmpegX application, Choose “show package contents”, Go to “Resources”
- Copy the ffmpeg executable to /usr/local/bin (NOT /bin)
- Open the terminal and type ffmpeg to see if it works.
If you have any problems, type these commands and try again:
sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
Do you find ffmpeg usefull?
Well, that’s a good trick, but what if I need latest ffmpeg 0.6 with WebM support? FFmpegX contains too old binary version.
Much better solution founded:
Thank you very much, I will post that as soon as possible.
i tried the ffmpeg at the above link but it would not work with “iFFmpeg”
the latest static build (as of 17-Jan-2011) at
works fine with iFFmpeg