ChampagneIts the last day of 2011, all those hectic days of december has past, and everyone are about to ring in the new year. With a bang! Lets just sit back, relax and look att what you have learned all this time. Before the rockets are lit, Champagne popped and Cigar puffed.

Bad choices were made, which led to discomfort and tough situations. Perhaps it was lounging instead of working? Or ignoring instead of acting? It doesn’t matter, what is done is done. Now’s your chance for a (somewhat) fresh start, with great new plans and awesome ideas.

Lets not forget what you have accomplished. After all, accomplishment speaks volumes more than failures. Maybe you were employed at the place you worked so hard to get in? Or made all the deadlines at school? Whenever you face difficult challenges in this next year, remember that euphoric feeling of all your efforts coming together. You have learned more than you know.

Look back and reflect upon your mixed bag of a year. All those emotions, people, places and pictures in your head. All have been processed by your observations, and possibly made small permanent changes in your circuitry. For the better. Whatever happens in 2012, will change your life, little by little. No matter how subtle.

And by the way, keep the New Year‘s Resolution to yourself 😉

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