Category: Sensitive

  • The Breath Doesn't Last Forever

    Life is a journey towards death someone said, and the crowd saw a pessimist. You can scream and shout all you want, but the fact remains, The breath doesn’t last forever. Is it really a pessimistic thing to think or say? Because it is true, you will die one day. Some people chose to die,…

  • Compromise With Life

    Is it possible to compromise with life? I don’t think so. Life doesn’t care about how you feel or think, only you do. No matter what happens to you, all of the physical constants will stay the same, time will move forward and you will feel as good or bad as you did before. But…

  • You Can Never Be Stupid Again

    Ever thought about how good life was all those years ago? All the things you did, the things you thought, the things of mystery. Free from impure thoughts, free from strange feelings and emotions. Then it all changed. You where no longer allowed to do those things, the thoughts became taboo, the mysteries became common…

  • Lene Och Alarmknappen

    Det här är en skoluppgift jag har haft i filosofin i skolan, en väldigt svår situation. Hur hade du löst den? Situation: Cancersjuke Göte lider fruktansvärda plågor. Han pratar ofta om döden som en välkommen befrielse. En dag hittar syster Lene honom ihopkrupen under en filt i medicinförådet. Han har satt i sig en hel…

  • Break Down The Wall

    All people in life once or twice comes to a point where they have to move forward, even though their instincts are telling them not to. They have to “Break down the wall” so to speak, that big fat brick wall in front of them, that’s blocking them from moving forward. In other words, you have to…