Finding information about the world around you can be a hard task without any end or goal. It can be an uncertain and scary experience to discover new things alone, but it is far more educational. Sharing the newly discovered unknowns with someone else can feel safe and fulfilling, but your own personal judgment and world outlook will be clouded by this other individual.
The lack of Knowledge and Ignorance of the world outside gives you the necessary Interest to take the first step. However, many will think twice before attempting anything that is outside the restrictions of their social network. Such as thinking and acting on your own accord, without approval of the group. This behavior of putting all trust, letting someone else think for you and relying on the support of others gives you safety. But no chance of risk that could lead to growth.
Sure, it feels great to spend time with friends and family. The chemical excretion from your body influences the brain of the weak-minded, it will only make you want more and dependence will grow. Discovering, or re-discovering, the world outside should be a deeply spiritual and personal experience. Sharing it with someone else will only cloud your view, and you will miss new opportunities.
Interest is brought on by Ignorance and lack of Knowledge